When You Need To Be Sure, Give Us A Call.

As a professional technician, your job is to solve problems. We know the pride you feel in getting to the bottom of a vehicle issue, fixing it, and returning that car to a happy customer.

We understand the frustration you experience when you don't have time to puzzle through a tough problem.

The Identifix Repair Hotline is staffed by over 45 OE factory-trained ASE Master, L1 Carline Specialists. Collectively, we've taken millions of calls on all kinds of unique vehicle issues. Something that may be new to you, we may have seen before and have already done the leg work. We're not a silver bullet. We're a friendly team of master technicians dedicated to working with you to find your fix, saving you time and frustration.

Our Repair Hotline is organized into five Carline teams: GM, Chrysler, Ford, European, and Asian. So you're always speaking with an expert on your particular vehicle.

When you need to be sure, give us a call at 1.800.288.6210.