Fix it right
the first time,
in less time.
Hear how Matt Cantrell uses Direct-Hit in his shop to boost productivity, customer service and his bottom line. Then click here for more video testimonials from Direct-Hit customers.
Exclusive Information
Direct-Hit provides information you won’t find anywhere else. Our industry-exclusive diagnostic short-cut tests and confirmed fix procedures are created from millions of calls to our Repair Hotline. Fixes are collected from over 100,000 techs in the field and validated by our own ASE Master Carline Specialists, producing the largest and most reliable collection of experience-based
fix information.
Get More Jobs Done, Faster
Direct-Hit’s short-cut tests and confirmed fixes dramatically reduce diagnostic time compared to factory flowcharts. You can also access genuine OEM service & repair information right from your diagnostics so you can finish the job fast. For additional revenue, run our Factory Scheduled Maintenance plans in under a minute and sell manufacturer recommended service in plain-talk language your customers can understand and trust.
Easy to Use
Direct-Hit makes it easy for you to access the information you need to service your customers’ vehicles with speed, accuracy and confidence. Diagnostics contain links directly to the associated repair information, and there are additional links within repair documents so you don’t have to visit another part of the site – or another system – to complete a job. It all begins with our intuitive Supercharged Search® tool, which helps you find exactly what you’re looking for without having to worry about using exact keywords.