Diagnostics - Hotline Archives


The Hotline Archives represent the single most time-saving feature in Direct-Hit, increasing techs’ productivity and confidence in a job done right the first time.

Since 1987, Identifix has taken millions of calls on our Repair Hotline and documented the short-cut diagnostic test and confirmed fix procedures in Direct-Hit’s Hotline Archives – information you won’t find anywhere else.

Our industry-exclusive diagnostics eliminate the frustration of time-consuming factory flowcharts. Once the diagnosis has been determined, each archive expands into the repair information needed to finish the job. Fixes are collected from over 100,000 techs in the field and validated by our own ASE Master Carline Specialists, so you never have to worry about the reliability of information. We even list confirmed fixes from the most to least common to point you in the right direction.

With Direct-Hit, you have access to over 600,000 Hotline Archives, and we’re continually growing at a rate of 1,500 archives per week! The more often our customers tell us “what fixed it,” the more information you and your fellow technicians have to Find and Fix Faster.